Mobility training is an essential part of improving your golf swing and reducing your pain.

It can help you achieve a full range of motion, increase your flexibility, and prevent injuries.

Here are five easy mobility training tips to improve your golf swing.  By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can help improve your mobility, flexibility, and strength on the course.

1. Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is a self-massage technique that can help release muscle tension and improve mobility. It works by using your body weight to apply pressure to different areas of your body. Foam rolling can help increase blood flow to your muscles, which can help improve flexibility.

To foam roll effectively, start by placing the foam roller under the area you want to target. Then, slowly roll your body over the foam roller, applying pressure to any tight or sore spots. Spend at least 1-2 minutes on each area, and be sure to breathe deeply throughout the process while smashing side to side not up and down.

Foam rolling can be especially helpful for golfers who experience tightness in their hips, shoulders, or back. By incorporating foam rolling into your daily routine, you can help improve your mobility and reduce your risk of injury.

2. Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching is a type of stretching that involves moving your body through a range of motion. It can help improve your mobility and flexibility, as well as increase your heart rate and prepare your body for exercise.

To do dynamic stretching, start by doing some light cardio to warm up your body. Then, choose a few dynamic stretches that target the areas you want to improve. For example, you might do leg swings to improve hip mobility or arm circles to improve shoulder mobility.

Remember to move slowly and deliberately, and don’t push yourself too hard. Dynamic stretching should feel challenging but not painful. By incorporating dynamic stretching into your warm-up routine, you can help improve your mobility and prepare your body for your golf swing.

3. Yoga

Yoga is a great way to improve mobility, flexibility, and strength. It can help you achieve a greater range of motion, as well as improve your balance and stability. Yoga can also help reduce stress and improve your mental focus, which can be helpful for golfers.

There are many different types of yoga, so it’s important to find a style that works for you. Some styles, like vinyasa or power yoga, are more vigorous and can help improve strength and cardio fitness. Other styles, like yin or restorative yoga, are more gentle and can help improve flexibility and relaxation.

If you’re new to yoga, consider taking a class or working with a yoga instructor to get started. They can help you learn proper form and technique, as well as modify poses to meet your individual needs.

The BAM-Metrics program will help you do your exercises at home and are metrics-based so results are seen by the athlete (yes, we are all athletes) weekly.

4. Resistance Band Training: Mini-Bands

Resistance band training is a type of strength training that uses elastic bands to provide resistance. It can help improve your strength and stability, as well as improve your flexibility and range of motion.

To do resistance band training, start by choosing a few exercises that target the areas you want to improve. For example, you might do bicep curls to improve arm strength or lateral band walks to improve hip stability.

Remember to choose a band that provides enough resistance to challenge you but not so much that you can’t complete the exercise with proper form. By incorporating resistance band training into your routine, you can help improve your mobility and reduce your risk of injury.

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5. Golf-Specific Exercises

Finally, it’s important to incorporate golf-specific exercises into your mobility training routine. These exercises can help improve your golf swing mechanics, as well as improve your strength and stability on the course.

Remember to choose exercises that target the areas you want to improve, and to focus on proper technique and form. By incorporating golf-specific exercises into your mobility training routine, you can help improve your golf game and reduce your risk of injury.


Mobility training is an essential part of improving your golf swing. Remember to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts, and to always listen to your body and adjust your routine as needed. You can achieve a better golf swing and a healthier body overall with patience and consistency.

Improve your exercises with the help of the BAMmetrics master golf program. Our kits are perfect for increasing swing speed in golf and much more! Heighten your golf game with our equipment today!